The Peoples are Angry, the Kings are Weak and the Princes Circle the Wagons
The only way to approach the current buildup of conflicting events that risk ending in worldwide catastrophe is by telling it like it is: a fairy tale.
Not the people of one country or one king, but the peoples of the world are, for their separate and related reasons, all angry: in most place they take to the streets: in the United States having been taught that their only recourse is the ballot box, the majority have been left powerless by the 2010 election.
The Kings rule the world under various titles: President, Prime Minister, First Secretary of a party, Mullah, Ayatollah: they know why the People are angry, but can do nothing about it, for they have ceded their power to the Princes.
The Princes are CEOs, Sheiks, Army Generals and Drug Lords, who either possess or manipulate the world’s weapons, ranging from explosive devices to drones. They circle the wagons being ostensibly driven by the Kings, waiting for them to fall from the driver’s seat.
In the United States, a minority of the People work to topple the Kings from the drivers’ seats, believing the Princes will be better rulers.
Other minorities come together in large groups around the world: Copenhagen, Cancun, Detroit, Rio, particularly in the annual World Social Forum usually held to coincide with the G8 or G20, the liberal economic forums attended by Kings and Princes.
The Kings and Princes keep warm inside fortified castles, while the people in the streets wrap themselves in the new weapon: solidarity.
I was especially annoyed to see right-wingers on the Cat Food Commission gain a partial victory by getting the idea of cutting Social Security into the public discourse as some sort of respectable idea.
ReplyDeleteYup, kinds giving way to princes. Sounds about right.