Friday, August 15, 2014

Ukraine's Broader Impact

Anyone who has witnessed European farmers drive their tractors into the center of Brussels and dump crops in front of EU headquarters, knows the hold they have on legislators. Much of European agriculture takes place on family farms and the EU has had to create special rules and subsidies to keep its food producers happy.
Since 2008, the US has caused immense suffering across the EU by allowing Wall Street a free rein, and as I’ve written before, I believe this is partly a deliberate attempt to eliminate the welfare state. For information about its benefits are finally seeping through decades of media silence, making American workers wonder why they can’t have one too. The latest installment in America’s use of the EU for its own purposes consists of getting it to impose sanctions on Russia, with which, since the fall of the Soviet Union, it has developed close commercial ties.
Washington succeeded in getting the individual EU leaders, notwithstanding their better judgement, to vote together in Brussels to impose sanctions on Russia, by claiming that Russia ‘took over’ Crimea, a land that had historically been part of Russia except for a few decades after a Soviet leader gifted it to Ukraine, and whose inhabitants, largely ethnic Russians, voted in an internationally monitored referendum to rejoin the mother country. The accusation makes a mockery of US interventions around the world to impose hand-picked rulers, however it had fifty years of fear-mongering behind it: since the end of World War II, Western Europe has lived under a constant barrage of   propaganda warning that Soviet tanks are about to take it over, with the countries of Eastern Europe held up as hapless examples, in a rewrite of large pages of history. (The Yalta agreements on spheres of influence and the fact that those countries, still living under more or less feudal regimes, had significant communist and socialist parties.) During the entire Post-War period up until the fall of the Soviet Union, U.S. diplomates, aided by a powerful propaganda apparatus (Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, etc.), continued to warn European leaders that Russian tanks were poised to overrun their defenseless lands, justifying American-manned bases and NATO. 
Not only is Washington still living those bygone days, its chosen ally in Kiev is imitating the enemy it’s trying to defeat, an imaginary Russian Communism, by adopting legislation reminiscent of the Iron Curtain, banning Russian broadcasts into Ukraine, and now, declaring that a fleet of 280 aid trucks carrying 2,000 tons of aid, including grain, sugar, medicine, sleeping bags and power generators, will be denied entry to assist the victims of its aggression in the east of the country. In what seems eerily like a vindication of all those Cold War warnings of an imminent Russian takeover of Europe, the drumbeat is as absurd now as it was then. According to The Guardian (; 
“On Monday, NATO secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said there was a ‘high probability" of a Russian attack which might happen under the guise of a humanitarian operation’…. Ukraine's interior minister, Arsen Avakov, said in a statement on Wednesday that ‘no humanitarian convoy from Putin will be let through the Kharkiv region…A provocation by a cynical aggressor on our territory cannot be allowed’, he said.” On Tuesday, the French president, François Hollande, told Putin in a phone call that he had ‘grave concerns’ about Russia's ongoing unilateral mission in Ukraine…..and “Andrei Illarionov, a former economic policy adviser to Putin who is now a fellow at the conservative Cato Institute in Washington, told the Ukrainian publication Gordon on Monday that any humanitarian convoy to Ukraine would be a sign of Russian aggression aimed at supporting the separatist cause.”
It seems clear to me - and probably to many others whose vision is not clouded by propaganda - that Kiev’s aim is to rid eastern Ukraine of its Russian inhabitants, and that Moscow, understanding that this is the lesser of all evils, welcomes them to Russia instead of starting World War III. And yet, in a move that should provoke international outrage, but hasn’t, Kiev has banned Russian broadcasts into Ukraine, contradicting everything liberal democracy is supposed to stand for.  (The almost irrelevant OSCE did say TV ban needs to be reversed.) In another demonstration of its ridiculous behavior, the Ukrainian parliament voted to freeze all Russian assets, ban Russian internet activity, prevent Russian goods from entering the country, threatening to also block entrance by Russian citizens and giving Security personnel the right to shoot without warning.
Such behavior is explained by the presence, within the ruling coalition, of self-proclaimed Neo-Nazis. (Though they shout their beliefs from the rooftops, the Western does not report them.) Recently, Andriy Biletsky, the commander of the Azov special battalion, who in June described Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's decision to cease fire in the east of Ukraine as a strategic mistake, declared in a commentary titled:  “A crusade against the Semite-led Untermenschen,” that “The historic mission of our nation in this critical moment is to lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade for their survival.” A former history student and amateur boxer, Mr Biletsky also heads the Ukrainian parliamentary group called The Social National Assembly (for Social National, read National Socialist…).
Even more than the horrific pictures of the Ukraine tragedy circulating on the web, declarations such as these - and there have been many since the early days of the coup - show that Ukraine is not only not part of Europe, it is not even part of the 21st century: its ‘liberals’ have accepted to rely on the extreme-right’s thugs, failing to realize that even those in the West who agree with them would not publicize the slogans of Nazi Germany.  
Meanwhile, a few more cracks are appearing in the sacred Atlantic Alliance: Latin America, Washington’s ‘backyard’, is stepping into the sanctions breach, ready to sell the foods Russia can no longer buy from the EU.  And as Poland and Lithuania get ready to sue the EU for their export losses, Putin is negotiating a free trade zone Egypt’s new president, former General Al-Sisi - a good example of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ that is sure to cock a snoot at Washington, not least because it suggests that Putin’s planned Eurasian Community could also be open to the Arab world.


  1. a terrific report. If you were to do such reports that include links to their sources, I would love to have you posting at the newly-starting UkraineWar.Info whatever you write that has a Ukraine hashtag. I am reluctant to invite as people with such posting privilege there writers who don't include links to their sources, or at least to the sources for any controversial allegations that are made in a given article. But this article I'd like to post there as a guest piece, it's so good. May I do that? Please send me a message at

  2. My country was invaded by Russia in 1968. As for the "more or less feudal": we have been a republic since 1918.
    Therefore I am as cautious about Russia as I am disgusted about EU and disappointed about USA.

    1. Dear Jarda,

      I apologize for mindlessly including Czechoslovakia in that sentence about Eastern European regimes. It stands out as being much more developed, both politically and economically. Do you still live in either the Czech or Slovak Republic? Before McDo came along, Prague wa sone of my favorite cities and although I do not speak Czech, I do like listening to its sound. (The closest I got to understanding it was a year of immersion in Poland, which helped when I found myself in Slovakia...... You might want to check out my memoir by clidking on the Books page.

  3. Great piece, although, I must say, it's a bit confusing to see something like this in English. Almost everything I read in English about the situation in Ukraine is nothing but crude russophobic propaganda.


    1. Thanks for your comment. I'd love to know where you are writing from. In any case, to see more reports like mine, go to, one of quite a few sites who publish pieces like mine. (My email is

    2. The last few years I've been living in Budapest. Originally from Moscow, but since 1989 in the US and then a couple of places in Europe.

      Thanks for the suggestion, I know some of them. I like Chris Floyd. And I remember an old Richman's essay on the history of US politics in the Middle-East; good stuff. He should write a sequel (if he hasn't yet).
